For a class assignment.

Abstract: Fear in Living Alone

Living on your own is something that many look forward to when growing up, the amount of freedom you have as well as being able to be in control of your life is a great feeling. However, living alone is not something that is completely flawless, in fact, it is far from it. While living alone does grant you freedoms, living alone for an extended period of time leads to some mental issues later in life, the major one being social isolation. A source of mine states that “Living alone can cause social isolation and is correlated with multiple adverse health outcomes” (Yang). Living alone slowly distances the person away from their social life, and starts to affect them mentally, not to mention that the person might at times feel unsafe with having nobody around to help. I chose this topic because it is something that we normally don’t think about too hard unless we have felt fear in it before.

Works Cited 

Yang, Jiaqing, et al. “The Association of Living Alone and Social Isolation with Sarcopenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Ageing Research Reviews, Elsevier, 28 Aug. 2023,

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